Bus Information
NTPS School Bus
All students must register to ride a school bus.
If you live within the walk zone, you can walk to school! Great exercise, and if you pack an umbrella, you'll stay dry!
Intercity Transit
Our community bus system, Intercity Transit, has excellent coverage in the county and is free for all riders.
Ride or drive with someone! Visit the Rideshare website to see if there are any ridesharers going to your school!
Interactive Walk Zone Map
Walk zones are designed for homes within a walkable distance of the school building and include safe paths like sidewalks and crosswalks. If you live within the walk zone, bus service is not available.
SMART tag System
NTPS uses SMART tag. Students scan off and on the bus daily to help us keep track of bus riders!
How does it work?
Students are issued an identification card they wave past a card reader to log on and off the bus. This tool helps keep track of all our riders, making sure everyone is on the right bus and using the correct stop. It has increased the safety and security of our transportation system.
Lost tag?
Contact your school office as soon as possible to obtain a replacement tag.
What do families need to do?
Make sure your student has their badge with them when they ride the bus. Download the app and activate your family account to access push notification settings and more.
Note: Riders are marked inactive after 20 total days of not riding the bus
Students who have not utilized transportation for 20 days total will be marked inactive in the SMART tag system and will not be able to ride the bus. Please contact NTPS Transportation to reactivate a student.